Sunday, November 15, 2009

Generation Gap

This weeks painting is a strong departure from my usual work. I love Norman Rockwell, and believe he was one of the best of America's painters. I pay tribute to him here in this re-working of one of his originals. The title of this painting is "Generation Gap". The painting was done in oils on a 28" by 22" canvas board. It is a re-working of a painting by Norman Rockwell (November 21st 1936 entitled "overhead lovers" (Park Bench)). In this case, I have put in a typical teen (actually my nephew, Caleb) one can find anywhere in todays society, sitting next to an old school gentleman. Being a college professor, I am continually amazed by the younger generation and their need for gadgets, especially cell phones and computers. I can only imagine what Rockwell would have thought, and maybe he might have come up with the same idea for a painting as this one. I know this painting will not sale, but I am going to post it up on Ebay anyways. It took me countless hours and many months to finish. If I knew I could get paid for doing these kinds of paintings, I would do more, as they are very challenging and rewarding.

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